Monday, November 25, 2013

EASI Courses - Courses Available | Online Registration by Cvent

EASI Courses - Courses Available
Train the Trainer - December 2013

Train the Trainer has been significantly updated and also enriched with new multimedia. Participants will be expected to download both demo versions of adaptive software or free support software and spend part of almost every lesson actually acquiring hands-on experience.

Computer technology has the potential to provide the most level learning space and working space in history for people with disabilities. However, many users arrive on campus or at work with inadequate training on this technology. Either the K-12 system failed to provide them with the appropriate tools and training, or they may have only recently received the disability. They will need help in identifying the technology that will enable them to achieve more independence and need training to use it effectively. Your institution will need to have someone equipped to provide this training. The information in Train the Trainer will provide a staff person with the know-how to provide this support.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Digital Media and Learning Competition 5 | Project:Connect – Summer Youth Programming Competition

Call for ProposalsDeadline: Online applications are due June 10, 2013, at 5pm PST. How to apply.
Timeline: Project:Connect-Youth Summer Programs will be held July-September, 2013. Full timeline.
Awards: Up to $10,000 per institution; winners to be announced in early July 2013.
Who is eligible to apply: U.S.-based non-profit learning development and civic engagement institutions and organizations (including learning development organizations such as museums, libraries, after school and summer programs). Additional eligibility requirements.
What: The Project:Connect-Summer Youth Programming Competition supports single or multi-day participatory and hands-on learning experiences (labs, hackathons, pop-up events) to be held at U.S.-based organizations from July-September, 2013. Workshops or hackathons will support youth working with peers, mentors, and educators on learning and creating experiences toward a better web for all. Based on the principles of Connected Learning—learning that is equitable, social, and participatory—Project:Connect Summer Youth Programs will give young people hands-on experience creating, testing, and investigating ways to make using the web a better place to learn, connect, make, contribute, and share.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Global Education Conference Network - GlobalEdCon: Connecting Educators and Organizations Worldwide

The fourth annual Global Education Conference is a free week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world, held Monday, November 18 through Friday, November 22, 2013 (Saturday, November 23rd in some time zones). The entire conference takes place online in webinar format.
The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for connecting classrooms while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity and educational access for all. Last year’s conference featured 400 general sessions and 20 keynote addresses from all over the world with over 13,000 participant logins. Click here for more information.

Friday, November 15, 2013

eLearning 2014 General Information

eLearning 2014 Logo - Feb. 15-18, 2014 Orlando, Florida

eLearning 2014Orlando, Florida
February 15-18, 2014
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista
eLearning 2014 is the friendliest and most comprehensive annual distance learning conference you will find for eLearning practitioners. It is the one place where you will learn who is doing what, what technologies they are using, what works, and what doesn't.
Exchange your great ideas with colleagues from across the country and around the world. Learn about new and successful educational strategies, technologies that work, and special techniques for teaching at a distance. eLearning 2014 will feature pre-conference workshops, keynote speakers, and vendors exhibiting the latest eLearning technologies and services, and nearly 70 one-hour concurrent sessions.

Learning Solutions 2014 - Conference Homepage

Learning Solutions 2014 Conference and Expo

New technologies are changing the way we live, work, play, communicate, and learn. Keeping up with these changes and adapting to the evolving needs of today’s organizations is challenging. At Learning Solutions 2014 you will learn about these technologies, discover exciting new possibilities for reaching your learners and delivering content, and connect with peers who will show you proven solutions for successful implementation.
Join us March 19 – 21 in Orlando and discover how you can redefine training with technology.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

3Ts 2014: At the Core of Teaching, Technology and Transliteracy - 3Ts Call for Proposals

3Ts 2014:  At the Core of Teaching, Technology and Transliteracy
When: FridayMarch 14, 2014
Where: SUNY Geneseo’s Milne Library

What: The fourth annual 3Ts conference is on the way! Join librarians, faculty, instructional designers and K-12 educators in thoughtful and thorough conversations as we go back to the roots of 3Ts and move beyond the standard format of keynote speaker and concurrent presentations. Throughout this one-day conference, you’ll engage in workshops where presenters highlight their dynamic teaching collaborations and/or model their instructional technique. 

In short, you and other participants will ‘do’ rather than ‘hear,” and leave at the end of the day armed with an action toolkit for implementation of 21st teaching and learning techniques and technologies at your institution.

Annual Conference

Collaborative Software Development to Address Strategic Challenges in Higher Education

October 31, 2013

Global higher education strategy is a priority, and without good information, strategy is impossible. This one-day conference will focus on an institutional ecosystem of inexpensive, open-source technology solutions to enable global strategy. This conference will share best practices among three cutting-edge, open-source, higher education consortia: UCosmic® Consortium, VIVO, and Kuali.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

About | The Sloan Consortium

We welcome you to the 19th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning. The conference program will offer a full complement of presentations that reflect the implications for the field of specific e-learning experience and practices. Keynote and plenary addresses, as well as pre-conference workshops, featured sessions, information sessions, Best-in-Track presentations, and poster presentations will address blended learning, issues of diversity, international applications of online learning, open educational resources, social networking, online learning and community colleges, and K-12 online education as well as other topics of common interest.

Can't travel to Orlando? Joins us Virtually!

Home - Wizard Fall 2013

Wizard Fall 2013 -- Monday, November 18 to Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wizard Conference Information

Welcome to Wizard!

SUNY faculty, staff, and management have gathered at Wizard conferences for 30 years to provide the technical community an opportunity to discuss IT issues, services, and other information pertinent to the University.  Attendees represent varying levels of IT professionals from all SUNY campuses and University-wide Programs.  Wizard conferences provide facilitated sessions, roundtables, panels, and informal discussions.