Saturday, August 15, 2015

NUTN Network - (Webinar) Internationalization

To encourage discussion, idea sharing, and development opportunities around high-quality online learning, the Open SUNY team is glad to share the following information about an upcoming free webinar on Internationalization in Higher Education.

FREE Webinar
August 26, 2015 | 2pm EDT/1pm CDT
from NUTN Network & STARLINK

Internationalization in Higher Education
presented by Hope Windle of SUNY Ulster

eLearning curriculum internationalization and partnerships are at the forefront of many college strategic plans and can occur at multiple levels. From internationalizing the current curriculum through embedded cross-cultural connections to developing or expanding international partnerships for distance programs, the opportunities to bring these multinational resources and experiences to fruition are equally rewarding and complex. Students who participate in international curriculum have a newfound interest in the world beyond their community. They realize a new appreciation for learning languages and become more conscious of their relationships locally as well as internationally. Often, having participated in this kind of experience distinguishes students in securing jobs upon graduation. Which of these is the best fit? What's the role of a bigger world for your institution and its distance activities? Attendees will explore a variety of internationalization models and strategies for their success. Student testimonials will be given describing successful partnership in Lebanon, Brazil, Japan and beyond.

NUTN is a professional association dedicated to the development of leadership within online higher education providing opportunities for networking, sharing, strategic insights, partnerships, collaborations, best practices, and mentoring.  Membership in NUTN is supported by Open SUNY COTE and the SUNY Center for Professional Development.